Sunday 24 April 2011

Happy Easter?

Holidays, for some reason, are harder for me than normal days are.

Why? Probably because on holidays, it is especially apparent that I am not as I should be. I see my family, happy and laughing, enjoying each other's company. Then I look at myself, putting on a pretty face for the benefit of others. Always depressed, always alone. Every year, several times a year, it's always the same. 

     Today is Easter. Today, I will once again be surrounded by my family, but I'm going to make this holiday different. Instead of wondering why I'm not the same, I'm going to remind myself that this is my first-ever holiday being better. I'm going to do my best to put to use all the shit I've learned over the past month. Hopefully, I'll be just like they are...comfortable in their own skin, holding their own instead of running away. If I can't do it today, I'll keep trying until I fucking get it. I am blessed to have these crazy Italian bastards...and today I'm going to remember that. 

Today, I will also remember the people who can't be with their families, either because they're away on business (like my brother fighting in Afghanistan last year), or they live far away and can't afford to make the trip (like my aunt Roe) or because they've gone away somewhere to get better. 

Today, remember hope. 

Happy Easter, you people. 

Hang on, 

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