Tuesday 20 March 2012

One Year Later...

...and all I've got to show for it is a blog post.

Ok, that's not really true. I'm alive, I'm happier, I'm healthier now. I'm in a better place mentally. I got promoted. I bought a new car. I wrote some new songs, got some new stuff, and can honestly say, "I've been there" to my hurting friends. I grew up. I 'got better'. I made some new friends, had some new experiences, and met the love of my life who held me up when I wanted to fall down and made me see that there's more to life than just me.

In all, it's been a pretty good year. I'm very lucky. And to the ones who saved me, who held me, who led me, who taught me, who loved me,
Thank you so much. I will return the favor.

Hang on, because one day you'll be sitting where I am.

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